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We started our herd with seven registered, bred does, from Fletcher, NC. These goats were from a well known Texan
breeder, Jean Ebling. The does had been bred by a Nissen buck (Marshall, NC), and within weeks of bringing the does home,
our herd grew to seventeen! Our original nannies were sound goats. with acceptable conformation, and freedom of kemp (an undesirable hollow fiber). We set goals to continue to improve on the genetics for quality mohair while maintaining solid conformation. We have carefully chosen breeding bucks, for fine mohair, uniformity of fleece from throat to britch, straight legs, and general thriftiness. Breeding with intent to continually improve the genetics of a herd is a dynamic process. Every year we build on previous choices. The first buck we purchased was from Jene and SueAnn Nissen, RSN 421 (aka Curly Joe). Curly's father, BL #1205, came from the well known Texan breeder, Ben Lockhart, and 1205 sired many top line goats. I spotted 421 while handling his 3rd clip fleece on shearing day. This fleece tested at 24 microns average diameter, and 0.1 % kemp. His 6th shearing tested at 33 microns, and .2% kemp. Curly Joe's fleece is very dry, which was a good match with our does' high lanolin content. The offspring produced fine fleeces with enough lanolin to protect the mohair's lusture, and still be reasonable to wash. Our second buck was from the herd, BL #1732, aka "Nelson". Nelson is the son of a well known South African stud buck, and fine haired Texan doe. South African genetics have a significant influence in our herd. Nelson's kids are very robust, and the fleeces have characteristic, individual ringlet locks, and high lusture.
Registered Adult Does
Registered Yearling Does
Registered Adult Bucks
Registered Yearling Bucks
Wethers (castrated bucks)
Angora goat's most endearing quality is their general curiosity.
When introduced to farm visitors, several take on the role of greeting committee!
Worth considering....
Goats are herd animals. The social structure of the herd is part of the survival strategy.
Have you ever watched a little herd when a threat is perceived? They run or huddle in a tight
bunch. As a compact unit they don't appear as vulnerable as one by itself. Perhaps a pair of goats are more likely to be discontented
with their allotted area, because they are searching for the herd?
Goats are browsers. Especially Angora goats, given the chance, would rather be picking and moving
than hanging out in the barn at the hay rack. Allowing the goats to move about by periodically
rotating pastures helps to satisfy this natural tendency.